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Ceremonies by Janice

Celebrating your Life

Woman with Firecracker

Celebrating Who I Am

You've been living your life and
loving You, just as you are.

When you find that comfortable easy place inside and want to honour your very own self for being you; exactly as you are. This is a celebration of  

'I Am'; trusting you, knowing you, being you.

Celebration of Self


This ceremony is a declaration to yourself and others that you are consciously making a choice to live in your truth and your light and your purpose. Turning 18? 21? 81? This is a perfect ceremony for you at any time in your life, and a milestone ceremony for anyone celebrating their life.


Celebrating Health

With illness or wellness, I am still present and in choice about what my life looks and feels like.

One of the most profound ways we come to know ourselves is through the experience of illness and recovery, or the experience of illness and living with hope. How you choose to see your way through the experience of illness and wellness in life is pivitol to your experience of joy, faith and trust.

Celebrating Health

Celebration of Life Ceremony

Transitioning to a new way of Being

When we come to the end of this season of life experience we can celebrate, the joy, the love, the peace and the meaning we have brought for ourselves and others. We can't know what awaits us, but we can know that we are safe, we are loved and in transition and transformation as an eternal being and soul.

Celebration of Life


Baby Naming Ceremony

Celebrating the light of a precious soul.

What a bold choice to be born into this big, brave, beautiful world. The desire to bring joy and love and hope to all those who look into your sparkly joyful eyes and smiling heart. Thank you, for the gift you are, just as you are. Pure delight and expansive love.

Baby Naming Ceremony

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